The Tyranny of Midland Yard Sale Signs

Schools are out, the weather is almost predictably warm, campers can be seen driving down the roads, humidity rules the day, and there’s a massive amount of road construction. Looks like summer has finally come to Midland, Michigan! Along with all the other fun opportunities of the season, summer can’t really be complete without some…


Imagine a young couple moving to the Midwest to escape the grime of New York City. Newly married and seeking open space, they buy a 5 acre wooded lot in a Michigan township. These do-it-yourselfers clear just enough space for a building site, as well as a solar field to power their house. Eventually, they hope…

Who Is John Galt?

After recently finishing Atlas Shrugged for the first time I could finally answer this question for myself. Perhaps stemming from the state of the economy, Atlas Shrugged has become wildly popular; after selling 200 thousand copies in 2008 it sold half a million in 2009. Although I beg to differ from much of Rand’s objectivist…

Michigan Unemployment Decreases

The unemployment figures for the month of May recently decreased throughout Michigan from 14% to 13.6%. The administration and michigan legislators are pointing to these numbes as proof that intense government action, in the form of stimuli and bailouts, actually improves our standards of living. But nothing could be further from the truth and it…

The Bossy City?

-Hannah Mead, MCPP intern, 2008 In a study of the 35 most populous U.S. cities, Reason Magazine reports, “Chicago wins the booby prize for most meddlesome metropolis by a wide margin.” Citing such regulations as bans on guns, smoking and DWOTP (driving while on the phone), Reason supports their hypothesis. A group of us head…