Unfathomable Mindset

Kurt Bouwhuis, Mackinac Center Intern Here is a letter Don Boudreaux recently sent to the Baltimore Sun: Don http://www.cafehayek.com/ http://marketcorrection.powerblogs.com/ ………………………… ………. 24 November 2009 Editor, Baltimore Sun Dear Editor: You are right to warn against politics infecting health-care decisions (“Medicine trumps politics,” Nov. 24). But you are also unreasonable to do so.  Yours is…

The First Thanksgiving: Liberty at Last!

Fleeing the prisons in England and the threat of foreign invasion in Holland, a band of so-called “Separatists” left Europe forever aboard the crowded Mayflower to found the freest nation the world has yet seen. It is no accident that those who search for freedom find it. In the fall of 1621, these Pilgrims feasted…

Market “Impossibilities”

Here is a letter I recently sent to the Lansing State Journal: In his recent letter, James W. Perkins claims that “The health-care system does not belong in the free enterprise arena, where one checks prices, then decides to buy or not to buy because the item can be done without. With health care, not…

Prosperity or Plunder?

Here is a letter I recently sent to the Lansing State Journal: In a recent editorial, The Lansing State Journal states that the stimulus money is key to the long term recovery of the mid-Michigan economy (“Stimulus funds matter to mid-Michigan,” Nov. 20). Nonsense. The majority of the stimulus has been funded through borrowed money. …

Politics and Theatre

Here is a letter I recently sent to the Midland Daily News: John Burke writes in his recent letter that: “[U.S. Rep. Bart Stupak should] also remember that health care reform is a moral issue in itself. That thousands are dying every year because of the lack of affordable health care is also a call…

The Ant and the Grasshopper

Kurt Bouwhuis, Mackinac Center Intern Here is a letter to the editor that I found to the be entertaining.  To the editor: I received this from one of my nieces as an e-mail. The author is unknown. However, I think it speaks volumes about the way our country is headed. Perhaps you would want to…

Thoughts Out of Balance

Kurt Bouwhuis, Mackinac Center Intern Here is a letter I recently sent to the New York Times: In his recent op-ed, Paul Krugman expresses great concern over the growing trade deficit between the U.S. and China (“World Out of Balance,” Nov. 15).  A simple example reveals why such concerns are pointless. Suppose an American businessman…

The Gettysburg Address

More than 51,000 Union and Confederate solders fell in the Battle of Gettysburg from July 1, 2, and 3, 1863, in what is the bloodiest battle in the North American continent.  President Lincoln only spoke for two minutes, yet his message is one of the most endearing speeches in all US history. As commander-in-chief, Lincoln’s…

Bought and paid for?

Kurt Bouwhuis, Mackinac Center Intern Dustin Anderson, a friend of mine, just submitted an excellent letter to the Midland Daily News: To the editor:     In a recent letter Susan Gessford stated, “If you are not bought and paid for by the insurance companies, you will agree with this and fight with me” (The only way, Sept. 29)…