A Good Arrrrrggguement

Editor, The Wall Street Journal 200 Liberty Street New York, NY 10281 To the Editor: Arthur Bowring is correct that pirates raise costs to consumers (“The Price of Piracy,” November 25). Having to confront predators possessing the brute force to seize their cargoes and persons, merchants naturally cut back on their commercial activities and demand…

That Darn Free Market

Kurt Bouwhuis, Mackinac Center Intern “What we’re seeing — even before Obama is sworn in — is a changing of the guard, so the new folks are ready to take charge on Day One. Some Republicans have predictably begun to grumble about the size of the stimulus package, but here’s a question: What would you…

Great Quote From SFE Blog

“In short, free markets are nothing more than free individuals doing what they feel is best for themselves. Speaking out against it takes an immeasurable amount of arrogance.  It necessitates that you can be judge and jury in the lives of others, rather than allowing them to do the best they can with what they…

Developer Strikes It Rich With iPhone Game

Kurt Bouwhuis, Mackinac Center Intern The launch of the App Store for the iPhone has generated great results for consumers.  Developers looking to develop for the iPhone have relatively low barriers to entry, leaving a large amount of developers competing to create the best apps.  This large competitive field of developers has left consumers with…

Will Creating Money Out Of Thin Air Save Our Economy?

Kurt Bouwhuis, Mackinac Center Intern I came across this article today while reading the Detroit News.  There are a couple economists who voice their opinions about where the economy is going.  The general consensus was that the United States economy will continue to be in a recession until the middle of next year.  Some of…

Coldest Hot October Ever!

By: Isaac Morehouse at the SFE Blog Posted on November 17, 2008 Another one for the “doomsday prophets falsifications” file.  After reporting that last month was the hottest October on record, Al Gore’s favorite scientist had to (once again*) retract his findings:  From the Telegraph: The error was so glaring that when it was reported…

Don’t Feed the Animals

Kurt Bouwhuis, Mackinac Center Intern “You actually have a consensus among conservative, Republican-leaning economists and liberal, left-leaning economists. And the consensus is this: that we have to do whatever it takes to get this economy moving again, that we’re going to have to spend money now to stimulate the economy,” Obama said on the program,…