Civil Discourse: A Foundation for Liberty

Civil discourse generally exists as a conversation on an interpersonal and national scale aimed at discovering ethical and practical solutions in politics. The phrase “we don’t have much of it in America” provides a simpler, if exaggerated definition. Despite the hyperbole, a brief look at Election 2016 lends credit to the idea. This national trend…

Top Thrill Economy

There I stood in line, shielding my face as raindrops battered me into a soggy, dripping mess. I continued to wait there for half an hour, watching the strong proving themselves to be better than the weak, and watching those who stayed compared to those who left. What could possibly possess me to wait this…

Lessons from Muskegon Heights

On July 1, a new Detroit school district was created as part of a major new legislative reform package – the old district serving as a tax collecting structure and the new district educating students. However, the model is not a new concept.   Just four years ago, Muskegon Heights Public Schools used a similar…

The Folly of Eminent Domain

In an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal, Professor John E. Mogk challenges critics of eminent domain to defend their position in cases even when it appears that government expropriating private property had a net benefit to everyone affected. He cites the case in Poletown as an example of eminent domain being beneficial to…

How Consumers are Protected in the Free-Market

One justification for government involvement in a free-market economic system is the need for consumers to be protected from potentially faulty or harmful products. In a free-market system there are many products sold by companies trying to make a profit. From pharmaceutical drugs to automobiles, these products could be deadly to consumers if they are…

The Real Consequences of Minimum Wage Legislation

Support for an increased minimum wage is a prime example of how often well-intentioned legislation has unforeseen and undesirable consequences. Support for a higher minimum wage law is justified as a means to help the poor, which in itself is a noble cause worth supporting.  Without looking into the economics of minimum wage legislation it…

Should the Government Cure Gambling Habits?

The lottery attracts hundreds of thousands of players every year, and Michigan has a large amount of players annually. Michigan’s internet gambling, however, has some wondering whether restrictions and safeguards should be put in place in order to avoid harm for Michigan residents.  Political columnist Tim Skubick writes on this topic to address the potential…